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Primary school Teacher transfer online application 2022 bd: How to Apply online transfer primary school teacher 2022



Transfer application of government primary school teachers 2022, How to Apply for online transfer primary school teacher 2022. According to the Department of Primary Education (DPE), the practical problems, obstacles, slowness, and procedural vacancies in providing services will be assessed in the online application by analyzing the steps of the existing method of teacher transfer.
How to Apply online Transfer Primary School Teacher 2022
The teachers can apply online using their teacher PIN (e-primary system) by logging in through OTP authentication and entering their own UI (user interface). Since the information of teachers and schools is already stored in the database, only the transfer area can be applied for by inter-district, inter-district, inter-departmental, and intercity corporations and selecting the reasons for the transfer. Attachments like monthly returns, photocopies of job books, etc. will not be required.

প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের সহকারী শিক্ষকদের বদলির আবেদন অনলাইনে করা যাবে?
অনলাইন শিক্ষক বদলির লিঙ্কঃ ব্যবহার করে আবেদন করা যাবে। আপনার ওয়েবসাইটের ইউজার আইডি এবং পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করেই লগিন করতে পারবেন। প্রধান শিক্ষক বা কোন সহকারী শিক্ষক প্রধান শিক্ষক পদে পদোন্নতিপ্রাপ্ত হলে, উক্ত পদে তার চাকরির মেয়াদ ২ (দুই) বছর পূর্ণ হলে, পদ শূন্য থাকা সাপেক্ষে আন্তঃউপজেলা/থানা, আন্তঃজেলা এবং আন্তঃবিভাগীয় ভাবে বদলি করা যাবে।

প্রাইমারি শিক্ষক গন বদলির আবেদন করতে পারবেন । এই লিংকে।


Primary school Teacher transfer online application 2022 bd:








However, in this case, the husband/wife may have to attach the required proof of work or permanent address, the reason for the transfer or in the light of the background. In the light of the terms of the existing transfer policy, everything has been set in the software in such a way that no one who is unwanted or does not meet the conditions of the transfer can apply. As all the information on the vacancies is in the database, the teachers will be able to see all the existing vacancies at the time of application and can choose one or more schools and apply.


DPE Primary Teacher transfer online application 2022









If the application is submitted correctly, the applicant will receive a PDF copy of the application and a receipt of system generated with the application tracking number and receive notification on mobile. Apart from this, the teacher can login using the PIN and know the current location of the application from his dashboard at any time. The time will be set at each step in the software. As a result, the application will continue to proceed automatically. The score will be automatically determined from the system in light of the context of the applicant’s transfer. As a result, if the applicant is multiple, the priority list will also be created automatically from the system.


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